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Captain's Permission Boat REquests

With input from the Vice Captains and representatives from the various club groups at Rowing Sub Committee, we make approximately 20% of the fleet 'Captains Permission'. These boats are the top end of the fleet and we aim to protect them so that crews representing the club at top races benefit from using boats that are well looked after. 


Captains Permission is given on a boat by boat basis and the decision sits solely with the Club Captain (with advice from the Steer Cert and Vice Captains Group). We take the following into consideration when making a decision on a request:

  • Fours and Eights are only for use of Squads

  • Competent, experienced navigator 

  • Individuals or crews training or racing together

  • All members of the crew are competent rowers/scullers

  • Individuals are known to care for our equipment

  • Individuals have demonstrated sensible decision making skills when choosing which boats to use in which circumstances

  • Crew is appropriate weight for a boat



As was (almost) said to Spiderman: 

With great permission comes great responsibility.


Members are privileged to be given permission to use our best boats for their water outings and should exercise great care and judgement when using them.

To help us keep our admin work load down, we have an automated process - all requests need to be sent in through the Club Management Form under the Request Tab, once approved the outcome and information will automatically be added to the list.

Boat Allocations

The following individuals have requested and been granted captains permissions. 

Until permission has been updated on this list, permission has not been formally granted.


Captain permission on individual boats automatically expire at the end of August, with the new season starting from September to August. This is to simplify the admin on who has access when members leave the club. You will need to raise a new request for the boats you require.

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