ptrc 100 club
In celebration of our 99th year, we are launching a Small Society Lottery called the PTRC 100 Club. It is a great way to have a chance of winning money and continue to support your PTRC!
20% of subscriptions each month is paid out in cash (15% 1st prize and 5% 2nd prize of the monthly pot). The remainder each month will be divided between 5% to our chosen charity and the rest to club funds for the purchase of small or medium sized items to enhance the clubhouse after the redevelopment has been completed. Anyone over the age of 16 can participate including family, friends and colleagues.
Membership to the PTRC 100 Club is on the basis of a monthly standing order for one or more numbers (stakes), each of which will cost £5. The numbers are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis on receipt of a completed membership application form and confirmation that you have set up a monthly standing order with your bank to commence within the first week of the month. Everyone participates equally in monthly prize draws held throughout the year on the last Thursday of the month. This shows what the winnings could look like.
Just complete a PTRC 100 Club membership application form below and set up a standing order with your bank. This must commence within the first week of every month and must include the numbers 100 before your surname and the number of numbers/stakes you wish to purchase E.G. 100mortimer2. The PTRC 100 Club Rules and Constitution are below. For all enquiries please contact Mary Mortimer at