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A note from Paul D, our Safety Officer: Annual Safety Report for 2024

Happy New Year everyone!

I hope everyone has had a great Christmas break.

It is now nearly two years since I took over the role of Safety Officer

or Club Water Safety Adviser (CWSA) as the Thames Regional Rowing Council (TRRC)prefer to call us!

The role covers several areas within the club and I have a built a team of people to help me.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank them and to let members know who they are.

Lifejacket Maintenance Group

Sara Woodford, Alex Marengo, Diana Pelka, Dylan Moses, John Patino.

A big thanks to these members and in particular Sara Woodford who helped set up the coordination of this.

Steer Certification Orientation Group

This is a broader group of volunteers who help on occasions, fine tuning newer members in river navigation.

We have extended this from the summer sessions run over the previous 3 years to all year when possible with weather and river conditions.

Thanks to Lou Pollock, Kate de Freitas amongst others who have taken people out on the water, and in particular Amber In der Rieden who has given a lot of time taking people out mid-week.

If you'd like to volunteer some time taking out members who are nearly ready for their Steer Cert practical please get in touch with Paul D to be added to the group chat. Please note you need to have been steer certified for at least 6+ months before taking out any non steer certified members 1-2-1.

First Aid Kit Maintenance Group

Thanks to Alex Marengo for taking over this role, and for spraining his ankle whilst topping up plasters in the boathouse!

Steer Certification Assessors

We have a group of people who are called on from time to time to carry out tests when I’m not available. So thanks to Ele Culley, John Hickling and Amanda Birkinshaw for carrying out some of these during 2024.

Project Blue

This group was started originally to look at safety documents and fixing the safety section on the website (now named 'Safety Hub'. This grew into a much bigger project than anticipated, ultimately with a complete overhaul of the club website. So a big thanks to Lou Pollock and Andy Carroll for doing a huge amount of document reading, checking and editing here.

Also to Diana Pelka for testing updates along the way, and Chloe Paxman for her help with Google Forms.

Club safety is a broad spectrum and having someone to help keep check on everything is essential. So the biggest thanks goes to Lou who has very much my right hand person again this year.

Project Blue has now been handed over to the 2024-25 General Committee for further website updates.

Achievements and Future Plans

  • 2024 was another great year for Steer Cert Practical passes! 18 people passed in all boat classes, which is a good indicator of the time coaches have put in to help their squad members, and/or the initiative of other members who took opportunities when offered by the club.

  • After a one day course in December run by the London Ambulance Service, we had an another 10 members qualify in emergency first aid. We will try to organise another in the spring.

  • All Safety communications were switched over to WhatsApp at the beginning of the year. This has been a much quicker and easier way of getting messages out there, so we’ll continue this way into 2025. You can join the WhatsApp group here.

  • The club safety audit was finalised with TRRC and British Rowing in November. Every club has to update details on an annual basis. This allows the club to remain within the BR spectrum and more importantly compete in events!

It hasn’t all been plain sailing...or rowing! There have been the usual array of incidents, which in the most part have been simple to deal with.

Safety Incident Protocol

Safety is the responsibility of everyone at the club, with each member playing their part in staying up to date with guidelines. Mistakes can be made by anyone, but a big part of safety is learning through these. This is the practice of TRRC and we adopt this at PTRC.

If there has been an incident, please try to be supportive in the circumstances and help those involved. You might not be in a position to do this, but you should know someone who can.

Don’t try to interpret safety rules yourself.

Safety Advice

1. If you have an incident and need to clarify procedure or have a navigation/steer cert question, the first action is to contact the Safety Officer

2. Any other queries should be discussed with your coach, coordinator or vice captain to decide the correct course of action.

We want to people to feel welcome at the club as rowing is something we all love.

Please keep communications friendly and open so things can progress.

Let’s look forward and make 2025 a great year for Putney Town!

Stay safe!

Paul D.


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